
Newsletter Archive

Our free monthly e-newsletters are archived below. Each month’s lead story can be read on our Process Stories page.

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Laura Tan

October 24 - 'Lost and Found' by therapits & artist Laura Tan


‘ Looking back, I wish I had discovered Hoffman sooner. It might have spared me from many heartaches and added depth to my work as a therapist.’

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Emilie West

August 24 - 'Finding my own path' by career & wellness coach Emilie West


‘ I learnt that a healthy relationship is one in which I can be the real me and not one in which I feel the need to suppress my true thoughts and feelings.’

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Sohie Cherel

June 24 - 'Tracks in the sand' by linguist and writer Sophie Cherel


‘This is not a success story and I have no advice to give you. All I have are a few impressions emanating from two facts: one, I did the Hoffman Process and two, my life changed completely.’

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Property developer Garry Simpson

April 24 - 'Strengthening my foundations' by property developer Garry Simpson


‘I have a clearer vision of what I want and need to achieve.’

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Landscape gardener Dan Walter

February 24 - 'Coming Alive' by landscape gardener Dan Walter


‘Post Process, everything in my life has changed for the better. I’ve gone from having a ‘cup half empty’ to a ‘cup half full’ outlook on life.’

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Dan Newberry

December 23 - 'A Search For Identity' by Personal Trainer Dan Newberry


‘Getting in touch with my biological mum helped me realise that I am loved and loveable…’

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John Campbell

October 23 - ‘Taking Postive Steps', with Coach and author John Campbell


‘I’m loyal to the belief that I couldn’t do what I do now without doing the Hoffman Process first..’

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Will Adolphy

August 23 - ‘Hearing the Universe', by Integrative Counsellor & Coach, Will Adolphy


‘I found my voice and let it roar!’

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Maud Gerritson

June 23 - ‘The Mind/Body Connection’, by yoga & qigong teacher and bodyworker Maud Gerritsen


‘I would do the whole Process again in a heartbeat.’

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Dan Kieran

April 23 - ‘Living free of fear’, by author and entrepreneur Dan Kieran


‘Since the Process, I’ve found the feeling I spent my life looking for…’

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Jan 23 - 'Bold Manoeuvres', by Assamiya, Creatress and Song Leader, Heart Song Collective


‘I had very clearly constructed the villains and heroes of my childhood experience and I had no intention whatsoever of forgiving anybody, because I was so firmly stuck in that narrative. So when that happened, and compassion and forgiveness naturally came in, it was very unexpected…’

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Ray Martin

Nov 22 - 'Life Without a Tie', by leadership coach and author Ray Martin


A decade later, I reckon I show up in the world better than I’ve done at any time previously, and the more I put into practice what I learned, the better things get. ‘

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Jessica Goldman, Credit Mike Chu

Sept 22 - 'Dancing to a different tune' by dance teacher and performer Jessica Goldman


This course is not only for people with problems, it’s also for people who want more from life.’

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Julie Luscombe

July 22 - 'People like me' by coach and training consultant Julie Luscombe


My background has not made me vulnerable – it has made me strong.’

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Fiona Blackley

May 22 - 'Belonging' by life coach Fiona Blackley


My attitude to life now is very different. The constant conflicting thoughts and internal dialogue that used to endlessly chatter and judge are hardly there.’

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The Matthews family

March 22 - 'Shared Understandings' interview with Psychotherapsists Simon and Michelle Matthews


‘I did the Process in 2008 soon after meeting Simon and it was great to be able to share a common language…  I feel lucky we both have the Hoffman community in our lives’

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Ralph Charlwood

January 22 - 'I Stopped the World and Got Off' by Ralph Charlwood


‘My week at Florence House, the Process venue, ranks amongst the most challenging, most enjoyable and most memorable times of my life. After nearly half a century, I’ve totally forgiven my father’

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Nick Mabey

November 21 - ' Waking Up to Being Adopted' by Nick Mabey


Doing the Process made it blindingly clear to me that the early hours, days, weeks, months of my life mattered enormously in shaping the patterns of feeling, thinking and behaviour that made up my personality. … ‘

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September 21 - 'Time to let go' by Samantha Clarke


‘I knew I had to do something drastic to challenge my habits and take me well outside my comfort zone… ‘

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Marion Booth

July 21 - 'Finding my identity' by Marion Browne


‘My adoptive parents did their best, but I knew there was always a ‘what if..? ‘

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Alan O'Mahoney

May 21 - 'Father's Day' by Alan O'Mahoney


‘There was a door in my heart marked ‘dad,’ but I was determined not to open it and allow in the feelings of abandonment, anger and pain…’

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Rose Wadham Penelope Pitstop

March 21 - 'Tears of a clown', by humorist and character comedian Rose Wadham


‘When my husband asked me for a divorce, plunging my heart into despair, a voice within me whispered ‘time to do the work’ and I remembered a friend telling me about how doing the Hoffman Process had saved her marriage.’

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Erica Sosna, Career Matters

January 21 - 'A labour of love', by Career Matters founder Erica Sosna


‘Since the Process, I like myself more and I’m able to be more respectful of others and can contain my frustration and temper better… I think I’m more compassionate and able to see the humanity in others.’

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Actor Rob Dennett

November 20 - 'A life worth living', by actor Rob Dennett


‘ It gave me faith and hope that I could build a future that I could really look forward to. That maybe life isn’t this dark, unforgiving sentence, but instead something that could be joyous, peaceful and even magical.”

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September 20 - 'Read all about it!' Sophie Goddard talks Hoffman in Cosmo

hoffman_h ‘I had no idea what my own future held, and that thought – along with the growing sense of loneliness that came with it – became a constant companion…’

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Mary Jo Radcliffe

July 20 - 'It's never too late to change' with life skills trainer Mary Jo Radcliffe

hoffman_h ‘I believe going with an open mind, heart and soul ready to give oneself fully to the Process can be life-changing and is ageless…’

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Karen Downes

May 20 - 'Courageous conversations' with resilience coach and business consultant, Karen Downes

hoffman_h‘I believe it’s the conversations people don’t have, as opposed to the ones they do have, that can cause the most damage…’

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Liz Dawes © 5 Little Boys Photography

March 20 - 'An adventure back to self' by forest bathing guide Liz Dawes

hoffman_h‘The past few years since the Process have been hugely transformational for me…’

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Jan 20 - 'Strong in the broken places' with psychotherapist Marilyn Carré

hoffman_h‘Having experienced the Process first hand, I can recommend it to any fellow therapist as well as to clients, from a deep understanding of what it can achieve.’

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Lecturer and researcher Rob Dean

Nov 19 - 'Masks and Masculinity' with lecturer and researcher Rob Dean

hoffman_h‘I realised a life without vulnerability is a life without intimacy. One cannot be achieved without the other.’
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Emma Macpherson of The French Retreat

Sept 19 - 'Ancestral trails' with Emma Macpherson

hoffman_h‘As our families and communities become increasingly fractured, it seems the human need to know where we belong intensifies…’
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Ben Bidwell aka The Naked Professor

July 19 - 'Life won't ever be the same again' with Ben Bidwell (The Naked Professor)

hoffman_h‘In getting out of my comfort zone, I found a way to connect at a deeper level and feel emotions that allowed me to feel truly alive.’
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Author and Speaker Hilary Gallo

May 19 - Turning fear into hope - with author, enabler & speaker Hilary Gallo

hoffman_h‘I noticed that people adopted positions and became locked into what they believed was true. When they wanted a certain outcome, what kept them stuck was not the lack of will to do it but the fact that they simply didn’t act…’
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Malcolm Stern

Feb 19 - Giving death meaning: with Malcolm Stern of Alternatives


‘Once you do the Process, you become more self-aware and more emotionally resourced. That means you go back into your life a more useful member of society’.

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Dr Gabor Mate

Dec 18 - Trauma, addiction and resilience, with Dr Gabor Maté

hoffman_h‘The essence of Hoffman, as I experienced it, was to restore the connection to the authentic self….’
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Oct 18 - 'Where Inner and Outer Worlds Meet' with ecocide campaigner Polly Higgins

hoffman_h‘It’s a commitment, undertaking the Hoffman Process, and it’s a commitment to ourselves to gift time for our own self-development. That takes courage, and I’m proud to have done it.’
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Roger Tempest of Broughton Hall

August 18 - 'Seeking Sanctuary' with Roger Tempest of Broughton Hall Estate

hoffman_h‘ Hoffman made me realise that self-care and personal development benefit everyone in my life, whether family or friends or the community I live in…’
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Writer and Hoffman Graduate Elaine Kingett

June 18 - 'Creating your own happy ending' with writer Elaine Kingett

hoffman_h‘At 17, I would have run away with anyone, I was so desperate to escape the conflict and abuse at home…’
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Sarah Powers, Insight Yoga Institute

April 18 - 'Peace and Presence' with Sarah Powers of the Insight Yoga Institute

hoffman_h‘I had internalised a critical voice that at times left me feeling contemptuous of myself; prone to self-judgement, disappointment and restlessness.’
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Sheri Jacobson of Harley Therapy

February 18 - 'Moving Up A Gear' - with Psychotherapist Sheri Jacobson

hoffman_h‘In the cab ride home from the Hoffman Process, I felt elevated, radiating confidence and contentment. I recall wondering how long that feeling would last…’
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Michael Kehlet and Family

December 17 - 'Reconnecting To Joy' - with Business Executive Michael Kehlet

hoffman_h‘Even the darkest hours were not enough to make me change…until the day I took an honest look at myself and my family and realised how much my negative thoughts and patterns were impacting my two sons…’
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Carmen Barral

October 17 - 'Body Language' - with Mind/Body practitioner Carmen Barral

hoffman_h‘The Process reinforced and confirmed what I knew through the Alexander Technique: that we think, move and feel as a whole. Our body, emotions and mind are intricately connected. We’re a unit and we act and change as a unit…’
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Hoffman Graduate Stella Talpo

August 17 - 'Killing Me Softly' with Songwriter & Vocalist Stella Talpo

hoffman_h I was losing a grip on myself and my life as I entered adulthood. I knew if I didn’t try something, I would end up sabotaging my life and the music career I so desperately wanted…’
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Becca Teers Book Signing

June 17 - 'Learning to Let Go' with Hypnotherapist Becca Teers

hoffman_h ‘Career-wise, things were going really well. I enjoyed running a salon and day spa in London which I’d built from scratch to the point where I employed a team of 14 employees – but my personal life was another story…’
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April 17 - 'No Pain, No Gain' - with Dr David Hanscom

hoffman_h Is chronic pain a purely physical phenomenon, or is it actually linked to emotional stress? With Dr David Hanscom.
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Botanical Painter Jess Shepherd

February 17 - 'Unpacking the baggage'

hoffman_hArtist and botanical illustrator Jess Shepherd shares her Process story.
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Psychotherapist Evelyn Thomas

December 16 - 'Sing in Harmony' - with Evelyne Thomas

hoffman_h‘Identifying the roles we adopt in childhood can be key to changing behaviour patterns, so that we set ourselves free to express ourselves more authentically.’Read More »
Susan Mc Grath

October 16– Codependency and Addictions with Susan McGrath

hoffman_h‘Codependency starts in childhood with our family of origin and stems from how our dependency needs were or weren’t met…’ Read Susan’s article and take her ’10 signs of codependency’ quiz
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August 16– Switching off, with Hoffman top tips

hoffman_hIn this fast-paced world, switching off is ever more challenging. The Process is full of techniques and tools to help you stay present and relaxed, so here’s a collection of suggestions from our Hoffman team. Read More »

June 16 - The Strength To Survive with Aidan Campbell

hoffman_hA successful business consultant with a passion for self development, when Aidan was diagnosed with a brain tumour, he realised that it would take everything he’d learned and more to pull himself back from the brink…Read More »

April 16 – Finding Your Voice with Denise Quinlan

hoffman_hFor 23 years, Denise Quinlan’s work included business development, marketing, sales and partnering roles for IT companies. Caught in a high-pressure corporate environment driven by quarterly targets, she began to question what it was all about. Two years and one amazing road-trip later, her days couldn’t be more different. Read More »

February 16 – Defuse the past, ignite the present, with social entrepreneur Gina Lazenby

hoffman_hI love the Process because it’s such a great ‘clutter-bluster’. The stuff that we inherit becomes our ‘stuck’ patterns of behaviour, but we may be missing what’s very obvious to everyone around us. The Process acts as a psychological spring clean to create a healthier personal environment.”Read More »

December 15 – Staying Present To Your Presence with Tim Laurence

hoffman_hIn this interview, Hoffman UK founder and author, Tim Laurence, reminds us that long-lasting change only happens if you change from the inside and commit to new behaviour. Happiness doesn’t happen just by hanging more baubles on the Christmas tree… Read More »

October 15 – Dealing With Loss with Clare Gilsenan, Head of the Hoffman UK Enrolment team

hoffman_h‘Society often treats death as the final taboo, yet at some point all of us have to deal with the loss of someone we love. On the Hoffman Process one of the most common issues we help with is unmourned loss. In a society which admires a stiff upper lip, so few of us are allowed to fully express heartbreak when it happens.’ Read More »

August 15 – Free to be you, with success coach Julia Pitt

hoffman_hFor Bermudian success coach Julia Pitt, the famous triangle more accurately described a tricky relationship between her young son, herself and her ex-husband. Then in June 2013, she flew to the UK to do the Hoffman Process and got to the bottom of the mystery…Read More »

June 15 – The Power of Soft with Hilary Gallo

hoffman_hHilary Gallo started his career as a lawyer and went on to carve a niche both as a negotiator of complex deals and as a leader in the IT and services industry. Going through the Hoffman Process in 2010 gave him insights which he took back to the workplace, as well as his own life, to great effect. Here he explains how he developed the idea of The Power of Soft – How to get what you need and still be nice, which is the title of his upcoming book…Read More »

April 15 – Making Friends With Your Feelings with Manuela Berger

hoffman_hIn her mid-20s, Manuela Berger realised that her successful career in hospitality ticked everybody’s boxes but her own. During a year off to get some clarity she did the Hoffman Process. At first she felt it hadn’t ‘worked’ but then she found an unexpected new direction…Read More »

February 15 – Confront Your Fears with Lotte Mullan

hoffman_hMany of us attribute our stress levels to the hectic pace of today’s lifestyle but our nervous system is actually conditioned from a young age. So if you’re stuck in ‘flight or fight’ mode or anxiety is easily triggered, it can pay to take a look at your childhood. Hoffman Graduate and singer songwriter Lotte Mullan did exactly that and after years of therapy and depression she found unexpected peace.Read More »

December 14 – Reinventing Christmas with Lesley Garner

hoffman_hAre you tired of people asking: ‘What are you doing for Christmas?’ It seems you’re expected to have a plan. But what if a traditional Christmas doesn’t work for you? Maybe there are family estrangements or you’re facing your first Christmas without a loved one? We posed this question to author and former agony aunt Lesley Garner who did the Hoffman Process in 2003. Here’s her advice.Read More »

October 14 – Food, Mood & Cravings with Hoffman graduate and author, Joan Borysenko

hoffman_hA few years ago Hoffman graduate Joan Borysenko and her husband went on a low fat vegan diet to combat health problems only to find their symptoms worsened. As a cell biologist, Joan’s curiosity was piqued – how could the best advice make things worse? She spent the next 3 years reviewing the latest literature on nutrition and recent discoveries in epigenetics. (Simply put, epigenetics studies the factors which influence whether we activate our genetic tendencies – if your family is historically overweight, for example, does this mean that you will be too?). Read More »

August 14 – How to Switch Off – Tips for a Relaxing Break by Hoffman graduate, Nikki Wyatt

hoffman_hIn this fast-paced world switching off is ever more challenging – even on holiday we seem to be attached to our phones and iPads as though they were extensions of ourselves. In contrast, when you arrive at the Hoffman Process you’re asked to put your phone away so you can focus on yourself and the present moment. Although many people find this very difficult at first they eventually find it so liberating they’re often reluctant to turn them back on! Read More »

June 14 – Give YourSelf Permission with Hoffman graduate, life coach & author Priya Rana Kapoor

hoffman_hHow often do you do something for the sheer joy of doing it? Never mind if it achieves anything or has a point to it – it’s just glorious fun. For Priya Kapoor guilt-free fun was a distant memory until she did the Hoffman Process in 2009. With a Master’s degree in counselling psychology, and after working for years as a therapist, she felt that Hoffman was very much a ‘last ditch effort to save my personal life’.Read More »

April 14 – Chance Encounters with Hoffman graduates Patrick Holford & Don Young

hoffman_hAfter author and nutrition expert Patrick Holford did the Hoffman, he found a new passion emerging. Having spent years studying human nature he now felt drawn to explore nature herself; specifically the vast breathtaking landscapes of Africa. As so often happens when we follow our hearts he met a kindred spirit (and fellow Hoffman graduate), Don Young, who has spent much of his life as a conservationist and safari guide. The outcome of their chance meeting is both creative and inspiring.Read More »

February 14 – Stepping Off the Treadmill with Hoffman graduate James Wallman

hoffman_hAfter Strategy Director Thiru Wallman did the Hoffman Process in 2009 she came back much more confident about starting a family with her husband James, a journalist and trend forecaster. James did the Process two months later and in 2013, when their little girl was two, the couple decided to ‘go for the dream rather than the treadmill’.Read More »
Jessica Hepburn

Sept 24: The imprtant thing is doing something new, by author, arts producer and adventure activist Jessica Hepburn


‘It was the beginning of a journey to a completely different life. A life that I never imagined and that is extraordinary and exciting…”

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Michael Green crop

July 24: Searching for acceptance, by senior whisky expert, Michael Green


‘Not only did I need to change, but I wanted to. I hadn’t had any therapy or counselling previously, but felt this was for me…”

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Katrina Maria

May 24: Healing the 'Good' child, by Master Transformational Coach Katrina Maria


‘It turns out I wasn’t broken after all – I was just taking on other people’s ideas of who I was…’

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Bev Cripps barrister

March 24: 'The case for happiness', by barrister, trainer & coach Bev Cripps


‘Since I completed the Process, I’ve seen and experienced how there can be post-traumatic growth’.

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Liza Al Sady

January 24: 'Pausing For Breath', by breathwork teacher & Soul Space Studio founder Liza Al Sady


”Leaving the Process, I felt a peace and calmness I’d never felt before – a kind of eternal happiness, even when I was still’.

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Susannah Worth_photo by Sophie le Roux

November 23 - 'Becoming quietly confident', by shyness expert and workshop facilitator Susannah Worth


‘The Hoffman Process created a safe environment for me to start to air things I’d never dared share, and when those things were met with empathy, it helped me start to wrestle free of them’

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Bex Cockayne

September 23 - 'An Emotional Education', by career and life coach, Bex Cockayne


‘If there’s a small part of you which is intrigued, don’t let that scepticism and doubt win out… Pop your ego aside for a moment and just sign up. ‘

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DJ Andy Dean in Ibiza

July 23 - 'The beat goes on', by songwriter and music producer Andy Dean


‘I came back from the Process more aware and more engaged. It gave me the courage to face my fears…’

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Coco Turner

May 23 - 'The rest is history', by broadcaster and podcast host Coco Turner


‘It gave me the greatest gift in realising who I am’

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Geraldine Snell

March 23 - 'A springboard to a new life,' with artist, musician and guide Geraldine Snell


‘I’m now less driven by fear and more by positive potential…’

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Craig Cohon

Dec 22 - Redefining Success: by Entrepreneur and Unlikely Climate Activist, Craig Cohon


‘For the first time in my life I can now hear the sound of silence… ‘

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David Lake

October 22 - 'Coming Home' by strategy consultant David Lake


I feel happier and spend more time in the present, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.’

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Andrew McDonald

Aug 22 - 'Putting your house in order' by property consultant & executive coach Andrew McDonald


What’s money for if not for putting your house in order? The Process is the perfect place to do it – I couldn’t put a price on it.’

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David Levy

June 22 - 'How to open a closed box' by counsellor David Levy


My relationship with my family is better, and crucially, more authentic, rather than based on some sense of obligation or habit.’

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Hoffman graduate Phil Rose

April 22 - 'The person I start with is me' by business coach Phil Rose


‘Growing up in an atmosphere where children were ‘seen and not heard’ and being at a boy’s school meant I never learned to share my feelings – especially with women. Since the Process, I’m far more open and emotionally articulate.’

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Sabine Young

February 22 - 'Addicted to Love?' by transpersonal pyschotherapist Sabine Young


‘How would you know if you are love dependent? How would you recognise it? Quiz and top tips from relationship expert Sabine Young, MA’

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Tessa Mace

December 21 - 'Living with intention' by Strategy Consultant Tessa Mace


‘I began to realise that I was standing in the way of my own happiness. Time to step off the hamster wheel of familial and career duty, and ask some searching questions of myself…’

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Brian Woodward

October 21 - 'Breaking the generational cycle' by retired teacher Brian Woodward


‘A friend recently said that it’s as if a dark cloud has lifted from around me. I feel relaxed and more positive about myself and my future. People have commented that I don’t dwell on my past now and live more in the present…’

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Charity worker Esther Winslow

August 21 - 'Finding My Happy' by social scientist Esther Winslow


‘Since doing the Process, feeling 100% authentically happy has felt achievable. There’s something about being able to picture and remember what that felt like during the Process which has enabled me to know instinctively ‘how’…’

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Veronica Morris and family

June 21 - 'Life begins outside of the comfort zone' by entrepreneur Veronica Morris


‘I first came across the Hoffman when my husband Rupert attended the Process in 2008. He returned so much calmer, I couldn’t believe how much happier he was in his own skin… ‘

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Sara Masry

April 21 - 'Where is home?' by actor, entrepreneur and creative artist Sara Masry


‘Now I finally believe in myself, I trust that I know the best way forward. The compassion, stability and fulfillment I’ve always craved now starts from within… ‘

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Rachel Montagu

February 21 - 'A gift to remember', by coach & mentor Rachel Montagu


‘I could not be more grateful in these times of lockdown and physical distancing, to have invested in Hoffman…’

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Posy Brewer

December 20 - 'Life's a rollercoaster', by voiceover artist Posy Brewer


‘I believe the Process saved my life. It was the best thing I’ve ever done and spent money on. Strong words, but true and certainly from the heart’

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Candice Wu

October 20 - 'Sparking love and light', by glass artist Candice Wu


‘Doing the Process freed up my attitude and helped me challenge my patterns of perfectionism. I now try to approach everything as a learning experience…”

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August 20 - 'Pulling anxiety up by its roots' by therapist, coach and author Chloe Brotheridge


‘Despite having a daily meditation practice, exercising frequently and eating a healthy diet, I knew that there were still things in my past that hadn’t been resolved that were causing me to feel fearful, resentful and full of self-doubt…’

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Supervising Hoffman facilitator Stella Horgan

June 20 - 'Hunting for wisdom' with Hoffman UK facilitator Stella Horgan


‘I was doing the equivalent of pressing down hard on the accelerator while not having the vehicle in gear… How freeing it was to realise that I could change my behaviours’

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Coulorful frog wearing headphones

April 20 - 'Seizing the Day' with Hoffman UK MD, Serena Gordon


Top tips, a free audio download and details of new, online events.

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Nicola Dela-Croix

Feb 20 - 'Giving a voice to the voiceless' with Funeral Celebrant Nicola Dela-Croix


‘We all bring something uniquely valuable to the world, and that should be recognised and celebrated not only when our time comes, but also while we are still here.’

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Sam Pelly photography Legendary Motorcycle Adventures

Dec 19 - 'Connecting to the wilderness within' with expedition leader Sam Pelly


‘I have become increasingly interested in the correlation between the actual physical journey and the emotional journey. How when we ride into new lands and unfamiliar territories, we also open up the possibility of internal exploration and understanding…

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My mum did the Hoffman Process by Sam

October 19 - My mum did the Hoffman Process: with Sam


‘We hadn’t really spent time away from each other before, and it was strange knowing that I wouldn’t be able to text or ring for a whole week, but it actually went by really quickly…’

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Steef Versprille

August 19 - A leap of faith: with entrepreneur Steef Versprille


‘I am proud of what I achieved during and after the Process. I’m so incredibly happy to be calmer and to be coming from a place of love instead of rage’.

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Hoffman Enrolment Supervisor Zoe Flint

June 19 - Boarding and Beyond: with Hoffman enrolment supervisor Zoe Flint


‘On the Process I really knew that I was fundamentally OK, and this is the assumption under which I now operate. It feels different and wonderful.’

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April 19 - 'I felt I could achieve anything' with nutritionist and coach Laura Currie


‘I felt as if I could achieve anything, and I literally mean anything – as if there was absolutely nothing holding me back…’

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Journalist Trish Lesslie

March 19 - 'I slayed my biggest demon' with journalist Trish Lesslie

hoffman_h‘I still get irritated and riled, but less often and less intensely. I still have resentments, but milder and fewer of them. My relationships have improved and I feel my life is better in every way…’
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Pilot Bruce Crawford

Jan 19 - 'I've finally found what I'm looking for' with pilot Bruce Crawford

hoffman_h‘I left the Hoffman Process full of optimism, hope, and a new sense of vigour… the trouble was that I didn’t know what I wanted to change.’
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Caraniosacral practitioner Caroline Lawrence

Nov 18 - 'Freedom to move on' with craniosacral practitioner Caroline Laurence

hoffman_h‘Now here I was with nothing to distract me from the inner turmoil I was having to face. No props left…’
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Jo Yaldren portrait by Ian Donald Crockett

Sept 18 - 'Dare to share' with children's author Jo Yaldren

hoffman_h‘The signs of the disease were already there while I was at Florence House… I‘m ashamed to say that despite 26 years of nursing (and university nursing teaching), I didn’t join the dots. Without Hoffman, I don’t know how I would have coped.’
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Tiana Jacout of Woman Fest

July 18 - 'My journey back to Earth' with Tiana Jacout of Woman Fest

hoffman_h‘I was vegetarian, meditating every day, practicing yoga, filling my mind with untold wisdom and feeding my spirit, how – HOW? – could there be parts of me that were still unhappy?’
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Hoffman Graduate and author Erica Garza

May 18 - 'Adventures in time and space' with author Erica Garza

hoffman_h‘…most of us feel like our ordinary pain isn’t valid. We shut down and keep our stories to ourselves. We pretend we‘re happy and grateful and yet still live in pain or numbness. What’s amazing about the Process is that I was able to face these kinds of problems without judgement or criticism…’
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Mental Health Campaigner Jonny Benjamin

March 18 - 'Love, peace & new hope', with mental health campaigner Jonny Benjamin MBE

hoffman_h ‘In the two years since I graduated from the Hoffman Process, I was awarded an MBE, I completed a marathon, travelled extensively, and am now working full time. If someone had told me I could have achieved all of this before I did the Hoffman Process, I simply wouldn’t have believed them…’
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Allie Astell

January 18 - 'Caring for the Carer' with Blogger and Photographer Allie Astell

hoffman_h ‘I’d learned to hide my emotions and ignore my real needs. That worked for as long as I could remember, but what led me to book the course was the inability to do it any more…’
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Business and Leadership Coach Robbie Steinhouse

November 17 - 'A Working Vision' with business coach & NLP school director Robbie Steinhouse

hoffman_h ‘Success in business often takes a huge personal toll on the leader; without a sense of vision, imagination and the tools to overcome obstacles, I’m not sure if I would have emerged intact. I have a lot to thank Hoffman for…’
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September 17 - 'The Long and Winding Road to Peace' with property finder Lindy McManus

hoffman_h We’d overcome monumental hurdles together, and shared a long history, which I’d truly believed would be for life. He was on a yacht – and I was on my knees…’
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Kim Murray of Happy Heads

July 17 - 'Absence Made The Heart Grow Stronger' - with Kim Murray

hoffman_h‘During the Process I was finally able to completely forgive my Dad for ‘abandoning’ me. I could understand how he felt and re-connect with him in ways I never thought possible’
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David Lurey and Mirjam Wagner

May 17 - 'Deepening the Dream' - with David Lurey

hoffman_h‘Once I got home, Mirjam and I began to re-establish ourselves as a couple – only this time we had greater awareness of our patterns, habits and pitfalls and great new tools to support each other…’
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March 17 - 'Getting through the storm' - with Wilma-Mae Basta

hoffman_h‘I had almost zero understanding of what marriage was, and not a lot of understanding of who I was. So, unsurprisingly, the marriage failed…’
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Nirpal Dhaliwal

January 17 - 'A Radical New Start' - with Nirpal Dhaliwal

hoffman_h‘Through doing the Process, I looked closely and clearly at the circumstances in which I was raised, and found the ability to finally understand and forgive… ‘
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November 16 - 'Home from Home?' - with Michael Freeman

hoffman_h‘What does it mean for a ten-year-old boy, barely four foot tall, to leave home? One boy’s boarding school story’
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Ayesha Vardag

September 16 - 'Putting Love in your Life' - with Ayesha Vardag

hoffman_h‘After years searching for a relationship that worked, award-winning International Family Lawyer Ayesha Vardag did the Hoffman Process…’ Read More »

July 16 - 'Feeling Fabulous' - with Hoffman Graduates

hoffman_h‘Just when we all need a little pick-me-up, two actresses and a writer share their thoughts on doing the Hoffman Process and how we all have the right to be ‘Absolutely Fabulous’…’ Read More »

May 16 - 'It's all about me...' Tips for living with narcissicim with Eleanor Moran

hoffman_h‘In a bid to understand and heal her own story, Eleanor found the voice for her most recent novel, A Daughter’s Secret, which dramatically describes the dance of the Daddy’s Girl. She offers tips to anyone living with narcissism or its legacy – because ‘when it’s all about me, it’s never about you…’Read More »

March 16 – Mighty oaks from little acorns grow with Jay Green

hoffman_h“Once you start to wrestle consciously with living in the present, having adolescents around whose instincts are to do nothing else but that is actually a great help. They pull you into the moment like nothing else…” Read More »

January 16 – New Year, New You with holistic therapist Anwar Ravjani

hoffman_h“Our bodies tend to mould themselves around our emotional experience so that we develop habits of posture and areas of physical tension and guarding which reflect our perception of reality. In fact, if we can learn to listen, our body relays information to us about how we feel in a constant information loop.”Read More »

November 15 – It’s Never Too Late with author Betty Hughes

hoffman_h ‘In 1998 Betty did one of the earliest UK Processes and has been one of its greatest supporters ever since. Whenever someone asks if it’s too late to do the Process because they’re ‘too old to change’ Betty’s bright blue eyes and radiant smile come to mind…’ Read More »

September 15 – Everyone’s a Winner with Stephen Bourne, Centre of Excellence for Tendering & Negotiation at Janssen

hoffman_h ‘Negotiations aren’t reserved for business. They happen every day with everyone around us. We negotiate our way through life from the nursery to the grave…’ Stephen shares his top tips on negotiation and communication.’Read More »

July 15 – Parenting: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly with Carole Saad

hoffman_h ‘Relationship coach and Montessori teacher Carole Saad used to run her own nursery, so she assumed she’d be a ‘natural’ mother. However, when she had children of her own, Carole realised there was another element that she hadn’t considered – the differences in parenting styles between her and her husband, Nadim…Read More »

May 15 – Timeout, not burnout with Frederique Bicker

hoffman_hPsychologist Frederique Bicker has a practice in Amsterdam helping clients with a wide range of challenges, including stress. She also has a background of treating addiction at the Priory in London. Here she explains why she believes treating stress holistically gets the best results.Read More »

March 15 – The Top 5 Patterns That Can Run Our Lives And How To Unravel Them with Hoffman UK Founder, Tim Laurence

hoffman_hA foundation stone of the Hoffman Process is building an awareness of the patterns that run our lives. Here Hoffman UK founder Tim Laurence explains why it’s so helpful to identify our patterns, where they come from and the easiest way to unravel them.Read More »

January 15 – Joyful Goals with Kelly Anne Buckley

hoffman_hIf the very idea of New Year’s Resolutions makes you want to do something that is fattening, illegal or immoral, you’ll love this fresh approach pioneered by Hoffman Graduate and Performance Coach Kelly Anne Buckley. Feeling that traditional goal-setting reflected outmoded values, Kelly got together with another performance coach and invented a joyful new recipe for making resolutions. It not only works but it’s really fun to achieve.Read More »

November 14 – What’s Your Story? with Psychotherapist Heide Baumann .

hoffman_hOne of the most common reasons that people contact Hoffman is because they feel stuck. Often an area of life feels as if it keeps repeating with little excitement or fulfillment. One way to get out of a rut is to look at the story you tell yourself about your life and your role in it. Psychotherapist Heide Baumann, who did the Process in 2007, is an expert in this approach.
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September 14 – The Spirit of Success with Hoffman graduate, Norman Drummond, CBE FRSE

hoffman_h From the gangland areas of Glasgow and Edinburgh as a young Minister to the present day as a celebrated international speaker and author, Norman Drummond’s life and work embodies a personal commitment to leadership and to developing talent in others. He is a Chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen in Scotland, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Visiting Professor of Leadership in Education at the University of Edinburgh.
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July 14 – Healthy Relationships – Are you Co-dependent? with Hoffman graduate, Psychotherapist & Imago Relationship Therapist – Sabine Young

hoffman_hCo-dependent patterns are usually handed down unconsciously through families. We generally grow up mimicking or in some way reacting to the way that people around us behave without questioning whether it’s in our best interests. Relationship and communication skills aren’t usually part of the educational curriculum but they are critical to success in our work life as well as to our personal happiness.
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May 14 – Weathering the Storm with Hoffman graduate and Times Journalist Rachel Kelly

hoffman_hIn 1997 Times journalist and working mother Rachel Kelly descended with shocking suddenness from a state of mild anxiety into a state of disabling depression. Over the next six years she gradually began to recover but was then hit by another bout of depression even worse than the first. This is her inspiring story of recovery which she is sharing in the hope of helping others.
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March 14 – New Beginnings; Rising from the Ashes with Hoffman graduates Lyn, David & Freya

hoffman_hThe imposing granite walls of Raasay House stand on the stunningly beautiful Isle of Raasay near Skye, off the west coast of Scotland. Historically the seat of the Macleod clan, the original house was burned down in 1746. More recently the house has relived its dramatic past in another conflagration but, despite tremendous setbacks, the current guardians have fulfilled their promise that it would once more rise from the ashes. It’s a story of extraordinary tenacity, love and courage and over the past decade each of them came to the Hoffman Process for inspiration.
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